Long time never updates my blog already, cos I and Xuan were sick. Anyway, we are recovered. I noticed that is always good/bad things happen on us on the year end or beginning of a year.
Year 1994, Dec - Father had 1st stroke.
Year 2000, Jan - Father had 2nd stroke.
Year 2000, Feb – Beloved father passed away on the 5th day of CNY.
Year 2001, Nov - Got married.
Year 2003, Jan – Hubby admitted to Jakarta hospital for dengue, *updated* follow by me admitted too for dengue and typhoid in Jakarta Hospital then transfer back to KL Gleneagles Medical Center. Discharged then admitted again 2 days later for unknown illness that cause me very bad headache.
Year 2003, Dec – Gave birth to Xuan.
Year 2004, Nov – Xuan admitted for minor lung infection. A week after discharged admitted again for food poisoning.
Year 2005, Dec – I and Xuan got sick, on the last day of the year we went too see doctor (also first time visit doctor since we came Beijing).
Hmm… mixture of good and bad luck *yeah, mostly bad luck huh* :(. Anyway, now with begins of another year, I wish I could have all the good luck with me and my family. Bless us.
Happy New Year Everyone!!