
Friday, April 21, 2006

Ghost Story

She doesn’t believe in ghost, but I do. There are spirits aka ghost everywhere, and if you don’t step on their tail, they won’t disturb you. 人不犯鬼,鬼不犯人Nicole Kidman’s movie ‘The Others’, is the best way to explain how IT live with us in the same world but different dimension.

Today I am going to tell u a real story, a real ghost story. I witnessed what actually had happened to my Sis#4 and her friends.

Many years ago, Sis#4 had to move and stay in Malacca town to pursue her Form Six study. She studied in Gajah Berang High School, which is located next to Sek Kia Eng on the right side. On the other side of Sek Kia Eng, there is an old shop lot, but u can still see the old sign of "Hotel" 客栈 hanging on top of the entrance. Sis#4 and her friends (3 or 4 girl friends) rented a room in that shop lot, because it is nearer to their school. I can’t remember how long they had been staying there, but I do remember they moved out in a lightning speed. Why? Because that shop is haunted!

One day, they woke up and found fresh bloodstain all over their pyjamas, bed sheet, blanket, floor, toilet, and even on their soap! Knock your head and don’t tell me that it was mosquitoes’ blood. If you think so, then that mosquito would have been flying and vomiting blood at the same time, and it must be a giant mosquito as there were bloods everywhere. They felt something wrong but they ignored it, but this happen again on the next day and the following days. I couldn’t really remember whether they call their landlord to clarify about this weird thing or not.

One night, before Sis went to sleep, she set her alarm to 6AM. Her alarm rang, she woke up and checked on the clock and it pointed at 6am sharp. She always bath and wash her hair early in the morning, so was that day. After coming out from the toilet, she woke her roommate up for changing. Her roommate told her that it was only 3am in the morning and asked why did she wake up so early! Sis was shocked and quickly checked her clock again and now, the clock was pointing at 3! Gosh! My Sis went back to sleep, but she could hear people walking up and down on the staircase loudly. The sound was very loud and annoying, so she went to inspect what was going on. Once she opened her room door, the sound stopped. It was so dark outside, with no light and human sign. She was scared and went back to her bed quickly. Then, she heard someone flipping the newspaper, angrily. This time, she dared not to check on it but closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep. The next day, she told her housemate about what happened last night. She was shocked to know that most of them had experienced the same thing, like newspaper flipping angrily, sound from the staircase and so on.

They were all alarmed by then, but still didn’t show sign of moving out yet. Later on, one by one, they fall sick. No medicine could cure the weird sickness. One of sis’s friend’s face started to swollen on one side for unknown reason. The doctor couldn’t find any reason to explain the cause. So, the girl’s parent went to ask help from a God, in one of the famous temples, the God told them, that the fierce female ghost who was rapped and murdered, at a young age in the ancient hotel slapped her. Her spirit couldn’t rest in peace and she was searching for “replacement”. The God advised all of them to move out as soon as possible, and the time must be at 12PM. It is the only time when the sun is right at the top of our head and there will be no shadow of us. I guess ghosts can hide under our shadow and follow us everywhere. My dad and I went to help my sis to move out on that day. I didn’t feel like entering the shop in the beginning, but was afraid to wait outside the shop too. Finally, I went in. The shop was dark and gloomy; I wonder why my sis wanted to rent it in the beginning. I walked pass the staircase and went to the middle part of the shop. There was a skylight and a spiral staircase leading up to a room. Curiosity led me up the spiral staircase and I saw a closed door pasted with old and a bit torn “Fu” 符. Sensing something was wrong; I quickly walked down the staircase and got out the shop.

The story wasn’t finished yet. After they moved out and reached home, they had to cut and burn the cloths and everything that had bloodstain on it. I helped my sis with that. After that, they recovered from their unknown sickness.

The end.

BTW, I also have an invisible genie behind my screen to correct my writing. *grins*

Update on 2253:

Almost forgot to mention about what had happened at my Bro#2’s company last year, very interesting! Please read here and here. And now, how do you explain about that?


Anonymous said...

Emm... interesting, glad I never bump to this kind of thing :P *touch wood*.

Milly said...

huiyoh......!!! geng!!! run away fas fast....!! i will nvr read ur blog at nite liao..

LHS said...

So horrible, your sister brave enough to open the door, huh? I start feeling scare now, so regret that to read this ghost story at night, oh no...

Recently i also keep dreaming ghost dreams, for christian's view, ghost is like devil in life, i realize that i would get attacked once i prayed hard everytime. Weird!!

Jess said...

eeee, so scary men....while reading it,I keep watching behind me whether anyone stand behind me or not? hehehe...

Anonymous said...

love ghost stories..this one good, becos real one..hmm.. the flip newspaper part very scary loh...

I got one..will write next few days in bright sun light !

got ghost movie tonight....11.30pm..

going to watch.


Lazymama said...

Sound really scary! (Lucky now is 4.22pm!)

I don't understand why they still can live there after the 1st incident of blood stains every where!

Selba said...

Just dare to read this post now... aiyayaya.... so scary....

domesticgoddess said...

reading alone already feel eerie... 你姐的胆子蛮大呵... can ignore the blood-stain incident...

ZMM said...


shiaulin said...

thank you lah~

read my brother's office story, lagi interesting! :P

potential mom,
once in the blue moon, not every night got ghost story to tell wan lah.. haha...

yes my Sis#4 is very brave person. lets tell us about ur ghost dreams! :P

no one stand behind u, but there is SOMETHING stand behind and wacthing at u~~~ :D

shit not scary lah, ghost baru scary! haha...

why next few days baru write? then me unable to read ur ghost story liao loh cos I am going back KL, no internet access there leh! :(

me either, but maybe because the shop very near to their school gua.

read my brother's story from the link in this post, lagi scary leh...

me also don't understand leh, why leh? why they so 大胆 wan?!

no evil here lah, but in our heart! beat them! hahaha...

why? speechless??? or takut until pengsan liao? hahaha...

Allyfeel said...

Gosh! Scary...

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