有朋自远方来;闹了几天,乐了几天,也累了几天。家,是热闹到了极点,今天终于回归平静。我可爱的宝贝好像突然长大了许多,非常健谈好客。(其实是名副其实的地头虫呢!别人来家做客当然欢迎咯,但如果是他去造访人家就另当别论了。) 尽地主之带朋友去游览了一些名胜古迹,也尝了许多道地的佳肴美食。也终于尝试着独自带宝贝出门;当然是和朋友一起啦,老公要做工赚钱嘛!轩轩很乖,真得很乖!爹地不在身旁他特别乖。很开心我以后何以独自带他出门了,但机会不多因自安不好。
We have friends from Jakarta visited from last Saturday, they left this morning. My house environment suddenly became so lively and happening. Xuan was very kind towards our guest (Always generous in his own territory).
We visited few tourism and historical places together, and tasted a lot of delicious and famous local food. On Tuesday, I brought Xuan visited few places with friends, all alone without daddy present. Xuan always well behave when daddy not around. I can bring him travel alone now, but as for safety wise it wouldn’t allow us to do it often.
Last night, when our friend was busy packing her stuffs, Xuan was in her room trying to ‘help out’. I heard the noise from the room so I quickly went in to stop Xuan from disturbing, at the same time I was talking to friend.
Mummy: “Xuan go out, 不要 kacau auntie!” (Do not disturb auntie)
*Xuan quickly run out from the room while I still talking to friend. Then I heard him told his daddy-*
Xuan: “Mummy 在里面 kacau auntie.” O_o||| (Mummy are in the room disturbing auntie)
Later, when he was on his potty doing ‘big business’, me again went into friend’s room to chat with her. Xuan calling aloud from our room-
“Mummy 来!”
*Daddy quickly attend to him, but he continue saying-*
“Mummy 快出来,不要去 kacau auntie!” >_<
你们两个都不要kacau auntie la!
LOL... taste your own medicine LOL...
係囉!叫我唔好Kacau Kacau..
有样学样! 媽咪也米Kacau-Kacau啦!
係囉!叫我唔好Kacau Kacau..
有样学样! 媽咪也米Kacau-Kacau啦!
Xuan Xuan so good boy.. can play host to aunty also..
Some more knows how to ask mummy don't kacau aunty.. clever boy!
Mummy next time please don't kacau ok?
dun kacau auntie!!!!
wahahhahaha..... ei shiau lin after cha dao got unbalance ornot??
Xuan 'hen guai, mummy pu guai, kacau auntie hor?
Hahaha, tit for tat. He followed what u've taught him.
Wah, Xuan can play host and entertain guests. He's not afraid of strangers meh?
Xuan knows how to say 是非!
bt & zaramom & tracy,
play host? 唉... 在自己的地头嘛,熟环境 + 有靠山(父母),马就掂咯。
可怕hor? 现在的小孩。
haha... 反回来叫mommy 不要kacau auntie...酱也可以?揸到!揸到!
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